Patch Notes Version 1.3.2

02 October 2023

General Changes

  • Removed the Drops & Bushes from the Hana Flower Event.
  • Updated the Crafting Recipe for the Flower Bouquet. You no longer need dungeon materials but the amount of Pretty Flowers required has been increased.
  • Crafting of Pretty Flowers & Bouquets will remain for a while to allow the materials to be used up by players.
  • Updated the Battlegrounds spawn radius from 8 to 2, to prevent players from spawning inside pillars.
  • Removed the 'The first team that gets X points' condition for Battlegrounds & Team Deathmatch, the modes will now run their full timer duration every time.
  • Added 3 new notifications during Guild Siege similiar to TDM to indicate when you/your guild scores points or when you die to tell you who killed you.
  • The Adventurer Log Level 25 Fashion Reward for Premium Passes has been updated for the month of October! You now get Box version 2.0 with two new fashion sets:
    • Winter Gothic Set (F)
    • Sephiroth Set (M)

PvP Balance Updates

  • Updated the Team Deathmatch spawn locations to be closer to the center and increased their randomness. This should enable melee classes to thrive more due to the environment being less organized.
  • Psykeeper / Mentalist
    • Our changes from last patch have been a little too harsh on Mentalist. Additionally, Mind Eater still remains a little too weak to be as viable as we want it to. Here is some power back to all the wand-wielding sorcerers.
    • Basic Attacks: Attack Modifier increased from 0.62 to 0.68.
    • Mind Eater: Tick Rate decreased from 0.5s to 0.25s. Damage per tick reduced from 20% to 10%.
    • Mind Eater: Attack Modifier increased from 0.73 to 0.78.
  • Elementor / Arcanist
    • The same cannot be said for Arcanist as for Mentalist, as our rework made their ranged combo much stronger than we intended it to be. On the other hand, Thunderstorm as a tool is not as strong as needed for the way we want it to be used. We are hence taking some power from the combo and moving it onto Thunderstorm.
    • Charged Needle: Attack Modifier reduced from 1.14 to 1.11.
    • Charged Needle: Projectile Speed multiplier reduced from x1.6 to x1.4.
    • Inferno: Attack Modifier reduced from 0.64 to 0.58.
    • Thunderstorm: Attack Modifier increased from 0.74 to 0.86.
    • Thunderstorm: DoT duration reduced from 1s to 0.6s.
    • Thunderstorm: DoT Tick Rate reduced from 0.25s to 0.2s.

Bug Fixes

  • Corrected an issue where Game Master characters would show in the Record Book after a server restart.