Patch Notes Version 1.1.0

23 August 2023

The Emerald Battlegrounds are here!

  • The Emerald Battlegrounds are part of the Team-Based PvP rotation (CTF/TDM). We have updated it to the following:
    • 02:00: CTF/TDM (Based on day)
    • 06:00: Emerald Battlegrounds
    • 10:00: CTF/TDM (Based on day)
    • 14:00: Emerald Battlegrounds
    • 18:00 CTF/TDM (Based on day)
    • 22:00: Emerald Battlegrounds

Short description

The Emerald Battlegrounds is a team-based strategic PvP & PvE system.
Players will need to cooperate in a large-scale area order to take down objectives and obtain points.
Mounting is allowed in this area (flying is not). Players can use their PvE combos within the area, whether it's against players or monsters.
Within this area, the Map Window (M) can be used to locate yourself and other players.


Each team has its own base, located on either end of the map.
Each base contains a Team Crystal.

Team Crystals

Team Crystals have a durability of 100.

By standing next to a Team Crystal, the following will happen:

  • If only players of the opposite team are standing inside, its durability will go down by 2 every second.
  • If only players of the ally team are standing inside, its durability will go up by 1 every second.
  • If players of both teams are standing inside, nothing happens.

When a Team Crystal's durability reaches 0, it will be Destroyed.
Destroyed Team Crystals regenerate 1 durability every 2 seconds, and are not affected by nearby players.
A Team Crystal is no longer Destroyed after its durability is back to 100.

Team Statues

Behind each team's base is located a statue, spawning when the fight begins.
If a team's statue is active, they gain 10% Move Speed and 20% Attack.
Statues do not regen HP.

Global Statue

A statue is also located in the middle of the map, periodically releasing attacks that push nearby players away.
Statues do not regen HP.


Non-aggressive Monsters (and Giants) can be found around the map.
They can be defeated by both teams.

System specifications

  • Players may use PvE skills in this system, whether it's against a player or a monster.
  • Gladiator Weapons do not grant bonus HP in this system.
  • Damage between players and healing are heavily reduced during this system.
  • When a player is attacked, they will temporarily be slowed and unable to use their mount.

Point Conditions

  • While the team crystal is not Destroyed:
    • Killing a Normal monster grants 1 point.
    • Killing a Giant monster grants 20 points.
    • Killing a player grants 15 points.
  • When a team's statue is defeated, points are shared among all attackers, based on damage dealt.
  • When the global statue is defeated, points are shared among all attackers, based on damage dealt. The team dealing the last hit will also gain a +10% HP buff for the remainder of the battle.

End Conditions

The battle will end if either of these conditions is met:

  • The 20 minutes timer runs out.
  • A team reaches the required amount of points.


Our Dungeon Hunt Event has begun!

  • You can view all the information here.


General Changes

  • In an effort to make iLv98 dungeons less frustrating, the following changes have been applied in order to always guarantee a drop:
    • Ankou's Asylum
      • All Ankou's Claws have been exchanged for Bag of Ankou's Claws.
      • Bags of Ankous Claws can be opened to obtain 4x Ankou's Claw.
      • Ankou's Claw: Drop Rate increased from 40% to 100% + 50% + 10%. This guarantees 1-3 drops per entry, at an average of 1.6 Ankou's Claws per entry.
      • The amount of Ankou's Claws obtained from dismantling Behemoth Weapons has been quadrupled.
      • The amount of Ankou's Claws required for crafting and enchanting recipes has been quadrupled.
    • Kalgas's Cave
      • All Kalgas's Scales have been exchanged for Bag of Kalgas's Scale.
      • Bags of Kalgas's Scales can be opened to obtain 4x Kalgas's Scale.
      • Kalgas's Scale: Drop Rate increased from 60% to 100% + 80% + 60%. This guarantees 1-3 drops per entry, at an average of 2.4 Kalgas's Scales per entry.
      • The amount of Kalgas's Scale obtained from dismantling Kalgas Armor Pieces has been quadrupled.
      • The amount of Kalgas's Scale required for crafting and enchanting recipes has been quadrupled.
    • Contaminated Rhisis Trails
      • All Meteonyker's Ashes have been exchanged for Bag of Meteonyker's Ashes.
      • Bags of Meteonyker's Ashes can be opened to obtain 4x Meteonyker's Ashes.
      • Meteonyker's Ashes: Drop Rate increased from 60% to 100% + 80% + 60%. This guarantees 1-3 drops per entry, at an average of 2.4 Meteonyker's Ashes per entry.
      • The amount of Meteonyker's Ashes obtained from dismantling Rhisis Trails Jewellery Pieces has been quadrupled.
      • The amount of Meteonyker's Ashes required for crafting and enchanting recipes has been quadrupled.
    • The drop table for Shade's Realm has been updated:
      • 50 Red Chips are now awarded upon clear instead of being based on progression.
      • Increased the amount of Nuggets obtained.
      • 5 Loyalty Points are now a guaranteed drop instead of 50% chance.
    • The drop table for all Competitive Dungeons has been updated:
      • Increased the amount of Red Chips for the first clear from 100 to 220.
      • Increased the amount of Red Chips for any clear from 100 to 180.
      • Increased the amount and quality of Nuggets obtained.
    • Increased the amount of Nuggets obtained from all dungeons.
    • In the current economy bloody sets and weapons are not in high demand, and we've received a lot of feedback that molten core can be rough to run due to its size and lack of drops. We've previously buffed up the weapon drop rates. But we think this change should help make the dungeon feel a bit more rewarding and help lower geared characters get the option to get bloody armors or weapons more easily.
      • Increased Molten Core's drop rate of Molten Stones from 50%/25% per boss to 100%/50%/25% per boss.
      • Reduced Stage 1 Lizard spawn count from 33 to 24.
      • Reduced Stage 3 Lizard spawn count from 16 to 12.
      • Reduced Stage 4 Fire Golem spawn count from 22 to 16.
  • Raid and World Bosses are now invulnerable for 20 seconds upon appearing, instead of 10 seconds.
  • The price of Remantis Laccotte (PvP) has been reduced from 5,000 Penya to 3,000 Penya.


Balance Changes

  • Competitive Dungeons
    • Increased the HP of all Competitive Dungeon monsters and bosses.


PvP Balance Changes

  • The 15% global damage increase has been removed.
  • Elementor / Arcanist
    • We wish for Thunderstorm to be either used as a defensive tool, or as a high risk/high reward tool for points. Currently, it is being used as a relatively risk-less way of farming points, which we do not want. Reducing its casting range should increase the risk involved. Some of its power will also be shifted to Inferno in order to not affect Arcanist too badly.
    • Thunderstorm: Reduced the casting range of from 15m to 6m.
    • Thunderstorm: Reduced the AoE radius from 6m to 4m.
    • Inferno: Increased Attack Modifier from 0.48 to 0.52.


Bug Fixes

  • Heal numbers will no longer render if the character is invisible.
  • Corrected an issue where Alt+F4 was sometimes closing another window on top of closing Neuz.
  • Corrected an issue where hiding the effects of "Other Players" would hide the effects of the preview model from the Model Viewer window.
  • "Pet / Summon Display" should no longer hide actual NPCs.
  • Corrected multiple issues related to taskbar serialization.