Patch Notes Version 1.0.11

17 August 2023

General Changes

  • The following hotkey settings have been added:
    • Additional Taskbar 1-12 + key combo
    • Action Slot
    • Select Target (PvP)
    • Camera movement
  • "Collecting Luck" has been renamed to "Collecting Yield" to avoid confusion.
  • Enabled Terrain Wrapping for pattern-mechanics on Mystical Forest & Volkane dungeon.
  • Made the Cyclops Lair boss area more obviously-flat to help with visualizing the mechanics.
  • Reduced the penya cost of the Make up & Hair NPC.
  • The 'Buff stack counter display' now also shows on targets instead of just your self buffs and now applies for the following skills:
    • Mantra
    • Holy Judgement
    • Bolster
    • Vulnerability
    • Kheldor's Necromancy
    • Shade's Touch
    • Carrying an Egg
  • World and Raid Bosses will now be invulnerable for 10 seconds on spawn. This applies prior to the 5 seconds of damage reduction, for a total of 15 seconds.
  • We have applied the following changes in order to prevent players from entering endgame dungeons with equipment that is not intended for them:
    • The Item Level requirement for the following dungeons has been changed from 95 to 98:
      • Ankou's Asylum
      • Kalgas's Cave
      • Contaminated Rhisis Trails
    • It is no longer possible to switch items when inside of an instanced dungeon.
  • Another Guild Siege has been added to the weekly schedule, on Saturday at 16:00 (UTC).
  • A new Mini-Game has been added: Monster Memory. This is a memory game, so make sure to pay attention!
  • The Mini-Games Schedule has been updated to the following (on Saturdays):
    • Monster Memory: 12:00
    • Dodge Ball: 13:00
    • Eggs in One Basket: 15:00
  • The drop rate of Bloody Weapons has been increased by a high amount.

Balance Changes

  • Acrobat's Volley skill can now be cast with or without a target. This is an experimental change we did based on player suggestions to see if it will smoothen out the early-mid acrobat/ranger leveling with Volley. We may revert it if the change ends up being a overall negative impact for players.
  • Jester's Lucky Draw has been reworked! It is now called "Lucky Charm" and is a passive skill that grants Jesters 10% chance to gain a 10s buff on monster kills that grants Critical Chance +15% & Haste +10%. We feel that this should help increase the early leveling flow of Jesters by giving them their early 'Lots of Criticals' power fantasy some love!
  • Updated the AI of Spiritual Forest monsters from "Monster" to "Dungeon Monster". This increases their reset range and speed.
  • Increased the ATK of Guardian Ants in Spiritual Forest.
  • Further increased World Boss HP scaling and Defense.
  • Jester / Harlequin
    • To make up for the loss of Critical Damage from Lucky Draw's rework, the following changes have been applied:
      • Basic Attack: Modifier increased from 1.14 to 1.16.
      • Vital Stab: Modifier increased from 0.78 to 0.61, Base Damage increased from 600 to 680.
      • Deadly Flourish: Modifier increased from 2.11 to 2.21, Base Damage increased from 1400 to 1600.

PvP Balance Changes

  • The respawn protection has been lowered from 2 seconds to 1 second.
  • The respawn time in CTF/TDM has been increased from 4 to 6 seconds.
  • Billposter / Force Master
    • Asalraalaikum's cooldown has been reduced from 15 seconds to 10 seconds (TDM/CTF only).
  • Spawnpoints in CTF/TDM are now team-based instead of random.
  • The size of the Guild Siege arena has been increased. We will be monitoring this change to make sure this doesn't have any negative effects on Guild Siege.
  • The size of the CTF/TDM arena has been increased.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with the Lion's Motorbike being unintentionally soul-linked.
  • Corrected an issue causing "Collecting Yield" to not reflect the intended numbers. This brings the amount of gathered resources up overall.
    • On top of this, we have lowered the Collecting Yield of the following in order to make Lv100 tools a better investment:
      • Level 60 tools: 20% -> 16%
      • Level 75 tools: 30% -> 24%
      • Level 90 tools: 35% -> 32%
  • The hotkey setting "Key Combo: Switch Bars" should now save properly.
  • Potentially fixed an issue causing client freezes in highly populated areas (mostly PvP). We will keep monitoring this.
  • Corrected an issue where the selected page in the Item Shop could become incorrect after a search.
  • Corrected an issue where the Item Shop could make the game client crash if used while doing certain other actions.
  • Corrected an issue causing players to sometimes be able to cast Raise on themselves.
  • The spawn selection window in Guild Siege should now correctly show the spawn numbers.
  • Corrected an issue where "Ignis Staff" was a Level 20 Elementor Staff instead of Magician.
  • Corrected an issue where using "Use Item" or using an item via taskbar when it required a target item would consume the item without a result.
  • Corrected an issue where Competitive Dungeons were not properly disabled in Channel 2, resulting in the "first completion rewards" being awarded for multiple teams.